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Sample Data

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) related data is available online, however most information doesn't provide the source information or clarity on the status of a particular project. Our database aims to provide source information for any data claimed, providing a validated dataset to make decisions with. At the moment, our database captures SAF production facility announcements and capacity, SAF companies (technology providers, facility owners, and facility operators) and airline offtake agreements. Additional information related to airline consumption, SAF funders, and airport capacity will be added soon!


Below is a snapshot view of data. If you have any questions, please email

SAF Production Capacity

SAF Production Capacity


SAF Companies

SAF Companies

Airline Offtake Agreements

SAF Airline Offtake Agreements

Future Data

The database is a live document, with information continuously added. In addition to tracking the 3 categories above, the database will soon have airline fuel consumption, SAF funders, and major international airport fuel consumption. 


Interested in other data? Please reach out ( and we'll see if we can add it to the database!

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